Project: DevOps Linux Server Monitoring & Automation

Project: DevOps Linux Server Monitoring & Automation

Imagine you're managing a Linux-based production server and need to ensure that users, logs, and processes are well-managed. You will perform real-world tasks such as log analysis, volume management, and automation to enhance your DevOps skills.

📌 Tasks

1️⃣ User & Group Management

  • Learn about Linux users, groups, and permissions (/etc/passwd, /etc/group).

  • Task:

    • Create a user devops_user and add them to a group devops_team.

    • Set a password and grant sudo access.

Restrict SSH login for certain users in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

Answer : Run following command

  1. Create devops_user

  1. Create group devops_team

3.Add User devops_user to Group Devops_team

  1. Set Password for devops_user

  1. Set Password to groups

  1. Grant sudo access to user and group

  2. Edit Visudo file

    1. Check grand sudo access to user

  1. restrict ssh user to login

2️⃣ File & Directory Permissions

3️⃣ Log File Analysis with AWK, Grep & Sed

Logs are crucial in DevOps! You’ll analyze logs using the Linux_2k.log file from LogHub (GitHub Repo).

  • Task:

    • Download the log file from the repository.

    • Extract insights using commands:

      • Use grep to find all occurrences of the word "error".

      • Use awk to extract timestamps and log levels.

      • Use sed to replace all IP addresses with [REDACTED] for security.

Bonus: Find the most frequent log entry using awk or sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10.

4️⃣ Volume Management & Disk Usage

  • Task:

    • Create a directory /mnt/devops_data.

    • Mount a new volume (or loop device for local practice).

Verify using df -h and mount | grep devops_data.

5️⃣ Process Management & Monitoring

  • Task:

    • Start a background process (ping > ping_test.log &).

    • Use ps, top, and htop to monitor it.

Kill the process and verify it's gone.

6️⃣ Automate Backups with Shell Scripting

  • Task:

    • Write a shell script to back up /devops_workspace as backup_$(date +%F).tar.gz.

    • Save it in /backups and schedule it using cron.

    • Make the script display a success message in green text using echo -e.